About Us
Apple Tree Nursery opened the big red door for the first time in November 2011. After a year of careful and sympathetic renovations, our once family home, became an environment where everybody who steps through the door becomes part of the wider Apple Tree Family.
At Apple Tree Nursery we care for children from 3mths up to 5 years old. All of our children benefit from a warm, caring, inviting and engaging environment where they play and learn through age specific resources and activities. They are cared for by our qualified, outstanding and experienced team who will work in partnership with you, our Apple Tree Family

Our Learning through Play Environments
Our wonderful team nurture your little apples in warm, cosy, homely environments where relationships and bonds are formed, where opportunities to explore, engage, learn, develop and have fun are aplenty and where your whole family are welcomed into the Apple Tree family.
Our fabulous indoor space includes, playrooms, changing and toileting facilities, relaxed food preparation and eating areas, a break out rooms where the team take small groups of children to enjoy indoor physical play and relax in a calm and quiet sensory space.
All playrooms have direct access to our amazing outdoor space. Here you will find opportunities for more open ended play, physical activity, scooting and cycling, building and creating and little nooks where children can explore stories and their imagination. Our outdoor classroom, is a magical extension of our indoor and garden spaces, where children can stay dry and warm in the winter months and cool in the warmer months.